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Female Nurses Treating Male Patient Funny

Author young female nurses and male patient nudity


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Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:04 pm

hi , ok well my gf has to go on placement soon and it has just found out that she will also have to shower and clean male patients, she will be in a surgical ward so this will mean having to keep the patients fairly clean before and after surgery. im not very comfortable with her having to help guys shower for obvious reasons. i was just wondering how much of this is required and if she was asked to do this in her placement.
so i thought they had carers or people with no degrees to do this not the nurses and thats what my gf thought as well, also i dont think the university should allow young female nursing students to shower male patients....
anyways thatys the question lol



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Apr 23, 2008, 08:46 pm

Your gf will have to shower patients. But she has to be professional about it. Think about it fromt eh patients perspective as well, decenty is always preserved and its not often she will have to look down there in young men so you wont have to worry about that.

Its only in nursing homes that registered nurses dont shower dont stress about it to much. THe first time anyone has to shower a patient is always an awkward moment, no matter how much theyve seen...




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Apr 24, 2008, 12:39 am

To be an effective nurse your GF will need to get over this pretty quickly. Showering a patient gives the nurse the opportunity to carry out skin assessments and gives the patient a much needed boost to an otherwise painful existance. It is as much a therapeutic intervention as anything else.

The "I did a degree so I didn't have to shower patients" thing doesn't really cut it in the hospital. Also, if your GF is assigned to a patient that heavily soils a bed is the patient going to be cleaned or are they going to be left for someone lower down the chain.

Age should not really come into it but if she is concerned get her to talk with some of the nurses on the ward before hand or ask to start with little old ladies first off.



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Apr 24, 2008, 12:48 pm

starting off with ladies will probably be a good thing.

but the other thing that bothers me is that seeing so many naked males may make her then look at myself and just see just another penis or just another naked guy, it wont be as intimate or such a sacred thing anymore. to me nudity is a sacred thing between partners not just somehting people see every day up close.

have any off you found you have lost a little bit of intimacy or excitment when you see you partners naked? be truethful about this and think back to before you were a nurse and had to see this everyday



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Apr 24, 2008, 01:25 pm

This issue is not an issue for tens of thousands of nurses in Australia and millions around the world, so it wont be for your girlfriend either.

You are the one who has the issue that needs to be addressed. Your gf is working in a caring profession and that is part of the deal. Conducting personal hygiene is not a sexual encounter and none of your concerns are based in reality.



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Apr 24, 2008, 04:10 pm

i realise its an issue that i may have but its due to the belief and the understanding from what i have seen of what may happen.

also how many patients would a student nurse be asked to shower? 2 a week? 2 a day? 20 a day?



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Apr 24, 2008, 06:40 pm

Dude you are going to have to get over this quick smart...
Trust me there is nothing attractive about a sick patient. On the ward where I work we all assist patients with personal hygiene - this includes RNs, ENs and AINs!!
Nurses do exactly that - nurse. We look after people when they cant do it for themselves and this includes people with penises!!
Seriously put yourself in the situation of feeling absolutely kak and not being able to attend to your basic hygiene needs... Do you really think you are going to be in the position of asking the nurse who is cleaning your backside out on a date?? No way! You are going to be feeling that self concious and hoping to god that she gets it over and done with as soon as possible.
For nurses; seeing a penis is no different to seeing someone's foot... Just another part of the human body!
It isn't all Grey's Anatomy or whatever other perception you have of the industry. Go get a reality check.




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Apr 24, 2008, 07:07 pm

Ok well unfortunately in the world of nursing your gf is going to come across situations where she will be faced with male nudity, whether it is showering or changing/checking catheters, assisting with toileting and getting dressed etc. It is the role of the nurse to give holistic care to patients whether they are male or female. I dont know what kind of ward she is working in as in I dont know where it is or how it is run but being a surgical ward I assume they dont have PCA's or the like to do these kind of jobs. Even so, it is still the role of the nurse to do showering and things like that. Every placement I have been on has involved this.

I understand it may be hard for you to get your head around this but her role is strictly professional and it is something she is going to have to get used to in order to be a nurse.

If you both look at it from the perspective that it is professional and there is nothing else to it then I am sure you will be fine




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Apr 25, 2008, 05:37 pm

No one can work in a health facility now without a qualification, so your view on people who have no qualifications do the dirty work is very wrong.
The showering of male patients is not as bad as it seems. She may have to assist male clients with washing their backs and other areas they can not do or reach, but generally the clients do wash their own genital area. If you do think about, it would be more embarrissing for the male client to be bathed by a female nurse rather then a male.
I had to do this on my workplacement also. So I do know what your girlfriend is going thru.
Showering is done in a professional mannor, and if it isn't the client of staff member thats not being professional is found out about.



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Apr 26, 2008, 08:32 am

Haha dude if your GF though that as a nurse she wouldn't have to shower people then she's in for a shock!

I'm a nursing student (final year) and typically on a morning shift on placement I would shower between 2 and 4 patients or wash them in bed if they can't shower. Now lets just take a moment to consider your average patient - yes a lot of them will be male, a lot of them will be over 65 and all of them are very sick and you are there to care for them. I see penises all the time, not just as work either - my house and housemates aren't too worried about say, walking into the bathroom when someone is showering. It doesn't matter how many naked men I see at work, it plays no role in how I see or treat someone I'm in a relationship with. It like childcare workers that wipe kids bums all day, or doctors who work in gynaecology - when it's within work it's anything but erotic, and if anything it makes you appreciate your own partner more.

Often on a surgery ward there will be more younger patients than some other wards, so yes your GF could be assigned a 28 year old footballer BUT... young patients generally only have one thing wrong with them, they can generally wash themselves or shower themselves. If someone young was needing help washing their genitalia you can be sure that they are very, very ill - perhaps unconscious or multiple injuries.

So yeah the reality is your GF will probably be washing crusty old men.... but think about it... that crusty old man could be your grandad, unable to wash himself and embarrassed and ashamed that he's just been incontinent and lying in his own urine. If that was your grandad, wouldn't you want someone as lovely as your girlfriend to come and quickly change his sheets, was him in a professional manner and have him sitting up dry and comfortable by the time his family came in?

Your GF will probably come across some confronting experiences, she'll need your support. She doesn't need you being jealous or suspicious about her at work because where you might be imagining Gray's Anatomy type situations in reality she's probably cleaning up some person who is dying and has just had diarrohea all over the bed.



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Apr 28, 2008, 12:41 pm

hi, thanks to everyone for the responses.

but they are conflicting, some are saying that seeing a penis then just becomes like seeing a foot... which then worries me.

I understand that yes most will be old or very ill. but its also possible that its just a young guy that has had both his arms broken....??

my main issue is how the patient sees it and being on the gold coast i know there are a lot of disrespectful guys.

have any of the female nurses been spoken to or treated disrespectfully by male patients especially in situations when they were naked and you were showering or checking them? please be truthful




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Apr 29, 2008, 10:11 pm

Of course it happens where male patients are innapropriate at times towards female nurses..however it is usally older patients and it is usually linked with other reasons such as dementia or something similar.

I think the thing you are going to have to remember is that this is her job and it wont change how she views you. It might pay for her to sit down and have a talk with you and give you some information that might help for instance things we are taught in lectures about respect and professionalism and not having to accept or put up with innapropriate behaviour.

As someone else has mentioned it seems to be a big issue for you and not her. If it is such a big issue for her then she needs to have a really good think about her career choice and if she really is going to be able to handle it...cos it will be a big part of her role as a nurse.

I think perhaps you need to address your issues becuase it would be terrible if it got in the way of your relationship.



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Apr 30, 2008, 10:48 am

she has already decided this is not the career path she wants to continue on but she is unsure where to go into next, either nutrition or child care.

yet while she is still deciding she will be going on placement, thats why i am asking about how students on placement are treated by the nurses and what they are required to do and if not comfortable are they able to say no im not ready to do this or will they be forced to?




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Apr 30, 2008, 12:37 pm

No body can be forced into doing anything they dont want to do but t he thing your GF is going to have to remember is that while she is on placement she has a duty of care to the patients she is looking after, even as a student nurse, and she will have to put their needs as a priority. If she is uncomfortable with showering then perhaps it might be a good idea to shower with her buddy nurse so she is not on her own.

Some nurses you get buddied with on placement can be lovely and some not so much but if she has problems she needs to speak to her preceptor or clinical teacher (depending on which she has on placement) and air her concerns.

I hope she finds what she wants to do.



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May 05, 2008, 06:04 pm

Yes some male patients do make advances to female nurses, and it can be vis versa as well. One student on our ward came up to me and said that one of the patients grabbed her hips and said something wrong to her, and she just excused her self and told him that its not on.

Most of the time if you are sponging someone in bed, you will put like a towel over them to give them privacy and then wipe under the towel. It depends on how the patient is feeling.

Also you have to ask, how would you feel if it was the opposite, eg your gf being worried about you seeing women naked?

Pity she doesnt like it, but then she has to rememer, first prac isnt always a good idea of what hte field is like, esp when most first prac students are in nursing homes.



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May 16, 2008, 12:05 pm

Are you sure your girlfriend doesn't like it or is it you influencing her decision with your low self esteem?

You are obviously young and insecure and have no knowledge whatsoever of a professional health care setting.

I feel for your girlfriend, what a waste of a degree. All that hard study and at the end of it she has to worry about an insecure boyfriend who's only concern is for himself.

I think what really is worrying you is that she may compare nude male bodies to yours. This shows lack of self esteem and maturity on your behalf.

Would you prefer she worked somewhere where she is hidden away from males? like childcare so there is less risk of her dealing with other men?

You sound jealous and controlling and you are projecting your insecurities onto your girlfriend at the expense of her future career.

Tell me i am wrong.




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May 18, 2008, 09:10 am

I am wondering why your girlfriend is not the one asking these questions.

Trust is something that nurses strive for with their patients. While I don't believe nursing is a calling, it is almost an honour to be able to care for a person in this way. They are scared, they have their privacy breached, and often they lose control over their functions. Have you ever seen a person cry from embarrassment? We nurses help patients to gain their self respect.

If your gf is not prepared to do this for someone, then no, she shouldn't be nursing.

You know, I still feel a bit embarrassed myself after many years of nursing. But this makes me respect the person even more. You don't lose your identity or beliefs just because of the job you do...



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May 25, 2008, 04:23 pm

Dude your soo funny,

No nurse is ever above taking a patient to the toilet or giving a shower. You have really stired up some nurses on this one. Any way she doesn't have to go into that area, she could get through her study and become a (DON) how about meternity, I mean it is not a shut book career it branches off into so many different areas. It will be easy to change into child care but why when you can help save a childs life. It is sad that your so closed minded about it all i mean one your letting her down by not supporting her and two she just may hold it against you latter. I've been nursing for over 13yrs and trust me there is no dick like your mans. Wake up sunshine I work on the goldie and one day might have to toilet you lol its not fun and games out there...




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May 26, 2008, 05:37 pm Last edited May 26, 2008, 05:37 pm update #1

Wouldn't be terrible if this person really DID turn his gf off nursing? How else is he going to control her life?

modified: Monday 26 May 2008 5:38:58 pm - tropicana



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May 27, 2008, 10:51 am

wow so i come back to check the forum and these are the replys i get?

one i never said i didnt support her if thats what she wanted to do, two i was asking for information not your judgment or opinions on how i should run my life or relationship.

she is the one who wasnt comfortable with the career and what she had to do in it, she is the one who decided it wasnt for her.

before youse blaber on get your facts right.

i guess some of you are bitter old woman, and i do hope i never get stuck with some of you as nurses. to all those who answered and gave their thoughts respectfully thank you.


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